One of the most common emails I get from solo female travel hopefuls is in regards to safety. Maybe you’re worried that being alone will make you a target, your friends and family are telling you that you’re being irresponsible by going out into this big and scary world on your own, or your own inner-voice is holding you back with visions of worst-case scenarios.
Well screw all of that!
I’ve traveled for over ten years now, almost exclusively by myself, and even in countries that are considered ‘dangerous’, with almost no issues whatsoever. What’s my secret? I believe that traveling alone has actually helped me stay safe. Why? My intuition is sharper, I am more aware of my surroundings because there’s nobody distracting me, and when locals see me, a girl on her own, they are more likely to want to help me than harm me.
The truth is, you already have the skills you need to stay safe when you travel. They’re the same skills you use at home to stay safe. But you don’t have to take my word alone for it. I asked 30 other solo female travelers to give me their best safety tips for traveling alone, and this is what we have to say about solo female travel safety:
Trust Your Gut

1. Politeness is never more important than safety.
The world would be a better place if everyone was thoughtful and kind. Sometimes people (especially women) let courtesy override our gut instincts because we don’t want to be rude or be told we’re “overreacting.” We should always trust our intuition and stop worrying about what other people think. Be nice when you want to, and choose safety when you don’t.
2. If something feels off, it probably is.
It’s SO important to go with your instincts. If you feel like something is off, it probably is. At the same time, if your gut tells you it’s all good, it probably is. Trust me, my gut almost never lets me down.
3. Have a backup to couchsurfing, always.
If you’re couchsurfing and the situation feels uncomfortable, just leave! Make sure you have alternate accommodations in mind. Print out or write down the addresses of the closest hostels so you know you have somewhere to go if your arrangements go south.
4. Don’t make too many assumptions.
Be open to positivity and don’t assume everyone is out to get you. I honestly rarely even think about ‘safety’ per se as I find most all folks friendly and helpful and not out to somehow harm me. Such harm can come via walking down the street of my hometown after dark, and I see little difference if I’m backpacking across South Africa (yes, even in -OMG- Johannesburg), skipping around Egypt, or traveling in Colombia.
Stay Aware and Be Less of a Target
5. Hide money: the tampon trick.
Conceal cash by rolling it up tightly and sticking it in an empty tampon applicator (unused!!). Slide it back into the wrapper and you’re set. Not many pickpockets will try to steal a tampon from your pocket!
6. Don’t flaunt your valuables.
Don’t flaunt your valuables too much. This should seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people I see with their phones out on city streets or wearing jewelry when they travel! Just keep it hidden or at home. You don’t need to wear expensive rings and earrings when you travel.
7. …or just leave them at home.
When in doubt, just travel without fancy jewelry. Most of the time you don’t need it, and why risk being robbed just for the bling?
8. Don’t use headphones while walking.
It makes you less aware of your surroundings and also usually signifies to a would-be mugger that you probably have a smartphone in your pocket.
9. Pretend to talk on the phone.
If you end up walking alone somewhere, pretend you’re on the phone. Muggers will probably ignore you for fear that you could tip someone off.
10. Walk with your head held high.
I’m a big advocate of walking with your back straight and your head held high and looking people right in the eye when they address you. Learn to walk like a man.
11. Get familiar with local scams.
Make sure you know of popular scams and problem areas within the city/region where you’re planning to travel. This isn’t to scare you silly before you start traveling, but rather just to be more aware of the place you’re heading to.
12. Mind the booze.
It is ok to have a couple of drinks but getting drunk in a foreign and unknown place could put you in danger and get you lost.
13. …and other substances.
Simply put, drugs put you in a vulnerable position. Plus, consuming them contributes to drug trafficking, which is a big no-no anyways. It’s not worth it.
14. Read up on modest dress.
Dressing appropriately can save you a lot of trouble, research appropriate clothing for women wherever you go. Areas that are hot and humid are normally more comfortable in shorts and sleeveless tops, but they may not be suitable for certain traditions, cultures, and locations.
15. Keep your things with you.
When taking a taxi, keep your stuff with you in the back seat so that you retain control over when you can get out. It can be useful if the cab is taking a longer route, tries to overcharge you, or if things feel uncomfortable. Whenever possible, put your bag in the back seat with you, so if you ever need to jump out quickly, you can!
Talk to Locals
16. Take a walking tour on day one.
A walking tour is one of the best ways to warm up to a new destination. It gives you the lay of the city, and helps you find your way around without getting lost the first time. Tour guides will usually point out any areas you might want to steer clear of (as well as cool local spots that are not available on travel guidebooks), which will help you feel more confident about finding your own way around the city after being led by an expert.
17. Try a fun class.
Combine fun and safety with this tip. I love taking a ballet class at a local dance school to meet locals (you could do the same with a yoga or other class). Locals can give you a great idea of where to go and what to avoid, plus, if they show you around that’s even better!
18. Explore possible connections.
Do you already have connections in the country? Ask around on Facebook or ask locals. When I was traveling alone, I asked a local friend whether he knew anyone in the town with who I could travel together with. It turns out that he has a nephew who was enjoying school holiday and could accompany me to explore the way locals do. I suggest solo female travelers who are planning to travel to cities perceived as dangerous to look around at their friends to see if they have any connections to local citizens at the destination city.
19. Look for other women.
From my experience, women look after women, which is heartwarming. I travel solo, and local women are often really helpful. When I meet these women, I’m no longer alone.
20. Be careful on apps.
A lot of travelers like to download dating apps like Tinder and Bumble to meet people while they’re traveling. This can actually be a fun way to meet locals, but be super careful. Always let someone know where you’re going and make it clear to your date what your intentions are.
21. Learn a bit of the local language.
At least being able to say “thank you” or “hello” can help build trust with people and show them you’ve made an effort to learn about your destination. I think this makes people more likely to help you if you need it.
Transit Safely
22. Walk strategically.
If I’m traveling solo after dark, I’ll often walk relatively close to a couple or a family. Usually, if I shoot them a smile, they’ll see that I’m not stalking them but instead looking to walk with people. You’re less of a target if you’re by other people. If you ever do feel like you’re being followed, pop into the nearest restaurant or hotel. These usually have someone who speaks English and they’re more than happy to help.
23. Don’t be stingy on transportation.
Another tip that came up several times is knowing when to splurge and when to save. Don’t be a cheapskate is my new motto after spending a night in a seedy place alone.
24. Opt for Uber when you can.
This counts for taxis, too. Personally, I always use Uber when I’m in South Africa or a country where taxis are often controlled by gangsters. The app tracks the driver and you, keeping both of your information in the system. Even better, the payment is done through the app via credit card so no money is exchanged. Travel budgets are a good thing, but be willing to ‘splurge’ when it relates to your safety. Pay for taxis at night instead of walking alone.
25. See if there are any other ride-sharing apps.
Some places don’t have Uber but might have alternatives like DiDi and Grab, which work exactly like Uber but are often cheaper. They track your trip the same way, so they are just as safe.
26. Choose your driver wisely.
Another good taxi tip if you don’t have a SIM card to use Uber is to take the driver who is least interested or maybe even sleeping. Chances are lower that he/she will have malicious plans!
27. Don’t travel at night.
Avoid traveling by train/bus/taxi by night if possible. Arrange to arrive at a new location in the light of day. Not only will you feel more at ease and be able to be more aware of your surroundings but there will also be more people around, giving you a more secure feeling.
28. Have your accommodation details on hand.
I always grab the business card or ask front desk/concierge to write down the name, address, and phone number of my accommodation. That way if I get lost or am in a cab and can’t communicate with a driver, I can hand it to them and I can get back home.
29. Only take official taxis.
Research what official taxis look like in your destination and only take those. In many places, there are fake taxis that can actually be part of human trafficking schemes and other crimes.
Bring These With You
30. A dummy wallet
Carry decoy money in a dummy wallet. Keeping most of your cash in your bra/money belt/wherever is great, but if someone wants cash from you and you have nothing to hand them, they could get angry or even violent. I always keep a few small bills in my wallet just in case, and the bigger bills elsewhere.
31. Mosquito spray as a weapon
In many countries, such as most of Europe, carrying mace or pepper spray is considered a concealed weapon. To get around this, I’d suggest using mosquito spray instead or using a miniature hairspray as a sneaky pepper spray replacement. All of those hurt when they get into someone’s eyes.
32. A personal alarm
Most crimes are crimes of opportunity, so it’s really all about putting yourself in the ‘too hard’ basket. Consider carrying a personal safety alarm (the Vigilant one) in your pocket that gives off a hell of a sound if you were to pull it.
33. Door stopper
Invest in an alarm door stop (only like $15) that both slows someone in opening your door and also sounds an alarm when someone is trying to open it.
34. Flashlight
I put a flashlight in my shoe. If there’s ever an emergency at night I worry I’d forget a flashlight- but I’d always put my shoes on!
35. Headlamp
If you’re camping or staying somewhere with rustic accommodations (aka, with an outdoor bathroom), keep yourself safe from critters or creepers by bringing a headlamp. That way, you’ll have plenty of light, and it’s hands-free.
36. A slash-proof bag
Bring slash-proof, RFID-blocking, and locking baggage with you. I religiously use my PacSafe cross-body bag and wire mesh bag protector and to date, knock on wood, have never had anything notable stolen. No method is completely fail-proof, but by using items like these, I make myself the most difficult and annoying person in the guest house or on the street to rob.
READ NEXT: The best travel purses for women
37. Portable safe
This is similar to the slash-proof bag, but can be locked with a padlock. Pacsafe has these and they’re super convenient because you can leave your valuables in your accommodations or bring them with you safely.
Stay Connected
38. Check in with someone at home.
While you don’t have to check in with family or friends every day, it can be a good idea to regularly update some form of social media while on the road. Whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or even Foursquare/Swarm, these digital breadcrumbs can give peace of mind to others that you’re safe, wherever you are.
39. Share your live location.
You can share your live location for up to a day at a time with Whatsapp. That way, someone will know exactly where you are if you’re hiking or walking anywhere unfamiliar.
40. Keep someone in the loop of your plans.
Let others know of your travel plans. I email people a copy of my itinerary and let them know if I change it.
Most Importantly, Enjoy It
41. Get the most out of your solo experience.
Sometimes you need to be alone. To get some peace, to get space to think, and to be at peace with the world and oneself. Sometimes this is only possible when there are no other people around when you have time to talk to yourself, listen to yourself, and leave go of all the hectic and stress of everyday life. Enjoy this time. Take your time and do whatever YOU want. Go for a walk (in the daytime) just by yourself, sit in a café, go in a museum or do something adventurous. It can be anything. And try also not to speak to anyone. Just yourself. You will see that you actually enjoy your own company way more than you would have expected.
I hope these safety tips help you stay safe and confident, and if you ever need a little encouragement, just remember how many women are out there traveling alone and having a fabulous time doing it! What are your top 3 safety tips when traveling alone?
Jenna Tarasco says
All of these are invaluable tips! Genius idea #24! I never would have thought of using Mozzie/hairspray as “Pepper Spray”!
Kristin says
I didn’t either until seeing it on a message board!
Elina says
These are all great tips, although for me personally some of them would be a little bit too much precaution – but I guess it depends on the place you’re travelling at. My go-to strategy is also to be the person who is the most difficult target, which also means looking confident when you walk around and generally a bit tough. I remember reading about some study that showed that muggers, pickpockets and whatnot don’t tend to go for people that carry themselves in a certain way.
I am also terrible with directions and maps, so usually I just wander off without knowing too much about the surroundings. If I do end up in a place I don’t know, I look for women and children. As long as there are both of them on the streets, I know the area is probably safe for me, too.
Kristin says
I agree with your tips and I think some of these are too much caution for Europe but just the right amount for South Africa, for example. Just depends on where you are but how you carry yourself is huge, I think!
Ijana says
There were a couple here that I never thought of before; picking an uninterested taxi driver is brilliant xD I have yet to visit somewhere that’s considered “dangerous,” and so far I haven’t had to use any more caution than I would at home. But these tips will be good to keep in mind when I do make it to those places.
Kristin says
A lot of these are overkill for most of the world but in Cities like Johannesburg I’d follow them all.
Sonja Riemenschneider says
Great tips, I never would have thought of some of these. This is getting me excited to do some more solo travel soon! Thanks for including my tampon tip, lol!
Kristin says
It’s such a great idea!
Brianna says
Definitely got a kick out of the tampon applicator tip. What I’m confused by is when you’ve stored your money in a tampon applicator (or bra or what have you), how do you just casually pull it out when you want to pay for something?
Kristin says
I am not that casual about it. No shame.
Inbar says
I usually have two wallets- one for small sums of cash and another (or a money-belt) for the rest. That way it’s easier for me to pay for stuff but still if that is stollen I’m not left with no money at all 🙂
Aleah | SolitaryWanderer says
Great tips, Kristin. Thanks for including mine. I would love to have a personal safety alarm. I think it would be more effective than a whistle.
Dylan says
I really, truly appreciate how much time and effort and thoughtfulness you put into your posts (specifically) on solo female travel. Last year, when I was just starting to toss around the idea of long-term solo travel, your writing did so much to help me to start thinking of that as a viable option rather than just a daydream. (And it’s done a bit to calm my mom’s nerves, too, I think.) <3 You're rockin' it.
Kristin says
That’s so great, Dylan! It’s so encouraging to know that it helps women go live out their dreams. Happy travels!
bluebirdcab says
I appreciate your post! women has power we know it how to use it.
Lucy says
Awwww Kristin, I didn’t even realise you’d featured my bonkers tip (bonkers, but damn useful in a sticky situation!). Thanks girl 🙂
John says
I think by using common sense, making good decisions, and above all else, having confidence in yourself and your ability to travel on your own, you’ll be rewarded with rich experiences — and great stories to tell your friends.
Mahmoud says
Thank you for sharing the amazing tips! It is really great that you provided some useful tip to help keeping all of our solo travelers safe!
I’m sure there are too many solo would like to travel but they are not sure about their safety and comfort. Hopefully your shared tips will help more solo to travel.
Katrina Peria says
Good read, Kristin! I really do agree with #20! Haha, especially when you live in our country (PH). Considering hundreds of islands you could choose travelling to. Security assurance is what most people here are concern about since you get to travel to different places via taxi especially when you’re a DIY-person. Anyway, thanks for these awesome tips and hacks! I love it! 🙂
Katrina Peria says
Good read, Kristin! I really do agree with #20! Haha, especially when you live in our country (PH). Considering hundreds of islands you could choose travelling to. Security assurance is what most people here are concern about since you get to travel to different places via taxi especially when you’re a DIY-person. Anyway, thanks for these awesome tips and hacks! I love it!
Morgan says
I totally agree with you! Traveling alone as a woman can be really dangerous, so it’s important to know the area well always be aware. These are great tips for staying safe! Thanks for the pointers!
larissa says
These are some great tips that I think everyone should know. I always make sure to be aware of my surroundings and to gauge the environment and the vibes I am getting from a certain place. As many said, it is so important to lean on your gut feeling.
Monica says
I did quite a bit of solo travel 20+ years ago…before social media and all the fantastic info that is available now. I made a few mistakes in my youth…an Oktoberfest adventure for one, which looking back, I was lucky. Frequently, I would visit relatives in Rome but spend most of my time exploring on my own. Sad to say, I witnessed many muggings, but was never a victim myself. All of 5 foot nothing, I’m not an imposing figure but I carried myself with an attitude and awareness at all times. Now I travel to Rome with my husband and I can’t seem to make him understand that he can’t walk around with his head in the clouds like he does here in PA. Not to worry. I know how to keep us both safe! Be daring and adventurous…reading your blog is making me long for my solo travel days and think that I might still have some ahead of me!
Kristin says
I know plenty of married and coupled people who travel solo from time to time. I think it’s a great thing whether you’re single or hitched!
Yeah, I’ve known lots of people to have been robbed, but very few women, actually, who have had issues further than that. Like you said you just have to be very aware and let the whole world know that.
vittoria says
I’m planning a W or pheraps O paine circuit next march SOLO, my husband is always working so… thank you for all your advices and for how u encourage us to follow our dreams! Many greetings from Italy!
Kristin says
You’ll meet plenty of people. Have fun!
Karoline D says
Hey Kristin, being a solo traveler myself this was indeed an excellent guide for me. Trusting my intuitions has always been one of my greatest strengths while traveling alone. I am so fuelled by my adventurous urge that seldom people follow me to my destinations. So probably I will be traveling alone for a long long time. So thanks for sharing these tips which have indeed been a great help.
Kristin says
I feel the same, but I always meet awesome people wherever I go, so I’m never alone. I’m sure the same is true for you 🙂
Travel Lover says
This is really a great post. It is going to help me a lot when next time I will travel alone. Thanks a lot for sharing it with us.
Saha says
Thank you so much for sharing this article, I really enjoyed reading your blog post, keep writing guys.
kanchan Thakur says
Thank you for sharing amazing tips. Solo travelling is a challenge for itself, specially for women. It is the best option to self analysis. For my safety, cost and interest are really on high priority
Andrea says
Thanks for the tips, you girls are amazing!!!
Rose Clara says
Thanks Kristin for amazing or I will say few innovative tips too, I have been reading various blogs as I’m planning to travel alone and guess what you have written & shared some of the best tips… So thank you so much, i really appreciate for writing it for us..
Linnea Smith says
Hey Kristin these 31 tips are great and various inspirational for a girl like me to know these. As now I have started travelling to alone. I had just came from a trip to India and now ready to explore my bucket list..
Kristin says
Awesome I’m glad you found them helpful and I think that’s super cool that you went to India! It’s still on my list.
Sorks says
My relationship is going south so as a reflex action I booked flights for myself a few months ago. I’m planning my first solo trip to London (it’s not a massive deal I’m just flying from Ireland) but it’s a big deal for me as this will be my first trip away by myself. I typed into Google places for female solo travelers and I came across your blog. I’m a bit nervous but finding your blog has really helped me. Especially the how to keep safe part as this is my biggest worry. I feel like when I come home from London in a few weeks I’ll be booking to somewhere further, maybe Vienna or Geneva. It’s made me feel better seeing that other women were nervous too at the beginning. Now I’m nervous and excited so thank you! People tell me that once I go away by myself and see how great it is just doing what I want to do, I won’t be able to stop. I hope that’s the case!
Kristin says
It’s certainly been the case with me! The freedom is amazing and it leaves so much room for meeting amazing people and having random, ridiculous, heart expanding experiences. Just be sure to join something social right away so that you meet people easily, like a walking tour or a food tour, or stay somewhere social like a hostel. Have fun! You got this!
viki says
I think these are all really good expecially trusting your gut after 2.5 years traveling by myself its the main thing i have learnt to do. also i would like to add having a cheap ring nothing special but being able to wear it on wedding finger as i noticed quickly in the pacific islands people looking at that hand and asking if i was alone i felt safer saying no with a ring on that hand rather than without.
Kristin says
If it makes you feel safer then it’s a simple little thing that doesn’t take up much space 🙂 I agree that the more time you’re on the road, the more your trust in yourself to make the right call grows.
Jessica Hill says
“Politeness is never more important than safety”–SO STINKING TRUE!
Lk says
Fantastic post. Love the hairspray idea!
Akshay says
Thank You for sharing a nice blog. In my opinion this one could be highly debatable and theoretically women should be able to dress how they like wherever they go, but that is just not realistic.
One of the best lessons I learned traveling alone over the years is how to blend in, and that means dressing like a local when necessary.
If that means covering your hair, cover your hair. Or wear long sleeves or loose clothes, etc. It’s important to do some research before traveling and check out what the local customs are.
Kate says
Great post! Any tips for keeping your belongings safe on the beach if you wanted to go into the sea? (Apart from simply not taking anything with you ha!)
Kristin says
I would lock it all up wherever my accommodation is or go with other people whom I’ve met along the way and take turns. If all else fails you can bring a locking bag (pacsafe has options) and lock it to something immovable like a tree.
Emmanuel Obarhua says
Hey! I can’t agree with you more on talking with locals. And thanks for the tip by Souvenir Finder on how to get some. Well done.
Alex says
These are all extremely helpful. I wish more blogs offered practical advice like this instead of just generic, “Don’t walk alone at night.” Thanks for providing some actionable tips. 🙂
Kristin says
Glad you found it helpful!
A says
I love the hairspray idea! I don’t use hairspray but now I’ll buy a small can from some cheap brand and hope I never have to use it. I have a can of dry shampoo that sadly didn’t work for my hair somewhere, would it be as effective (painful in the eyes) as hairspray? It also has a nice brown color so anyone I spray with it would stick out like a sore thumb… ?
Kristin says
Not sure, but bug spray would work, too!
Mary Nichole says
Great tips!! I love traveling and I’m a solo traveler. These tips will be very helpful for me, before reading your blog I don’t even have an idea about some of your tips. Thank you for sharing such amazing and helpful tips. Keep posting such amazing content.
Farah says
Thank you so much for sharing important tips for solo female traveler. This is going to helpful for women like me who loves to travel alone and explore beautiful places. I am gonna share this article with all my friends!
Linda White says
Excellent Safety tips for women traveling alone.
Michelle says
If someone asks, do you tell them that you are traveling alone?
Kristin says
Totally depends on the source of the question. If it’s another person I met in a hostel and they’re clearly also traveling solo, or they’re totally nonthreatening, then I’ll be honest, but if a man I don’t know, a taxi driver, or anyone who doesn’t need to be privy to the information asks, then I say I’m on my way to meet up with someone – usually a boyfriend or husband. I don’t feel the need to EVER be polite or honest if it jeopardizes my safety.
Lo says
Thank you!
Obua Phionah Charity says
Besides having people besides you,,,,,gotta be self conscience of what is happening in a particular place and what might come your way.
Phy says
The 31st way of leaving alone brings out a clear picture of wat my life really says about me.
Gugu says
Point 1: “Politeness is never more important than safety” hits home. Thanks for the hands down exhaustive safety guide for women. I’m planning some trip later this year and found this right on time.
vignesh says
Thank you so much for sharing. I have found it extremely helpful
Anonymous says
I have been tent camping alone for about 10 years, usually in national or state parks. I have learned to make a bed in the back cargo area of my car and stay usually at KOA tent sites for one-night stops on the road. I’ve refined my procedures over the years where I feel totally comfortable doing these activities, though my (mostly married) friends are kind of horrified.
Last August, I was camping in Colorado and awakened around 3 am by a deafening noise. It was a bear slamming the door on a trash dumpster. He proceeded to come into my campsite and rattle the door on my bear box (provided by the campground). He did get some trash out of the dumpster, and came back the following night for even longer. I know about keeping food/toiletries in the bear box or the car and had nothing of that sort in my tent. The bear never seemed even interested in me or my tent and left me entirely alone.
But I was scared TO DEATH for HOURS while he roamed around banging the trash bins and rattling my bear box door. It was as if the fear consumed me for hours without abatement. After 2 nights of that (and foreseeing that my next 3 nights of camping would be the same), I packed up my tent and drove to some friends’ condo to stay. If they had not been there, I would have gotten a hotel.
I absolutely love camping alone. But now I feel I cannot do it. When confronted with one of the most feared (for me) dangers (a bear), I froze. I knew if I yelled, he would probably go away, but probably only for a couple of hours, or just for that night. I had bear spray, and perhaps I could have unzipped the tent door and sprayed it at him. Not sure what my best move would have been.
I keep reading/watching Youtubes/talking to campsite people/etc in an attempt to come to some mental decision that will make camping palatable for me, and it has been a fruitless search. I am tormented between giving up camping alone (which would make me so sad, as I love it) and camping with that soul crushing fear. Any help appreciated.